Social Marketing/Media Debate

Social Marketing/Media Debate

Social Marketing/Media Debate

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Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the article Social Marketing for Social Change.  This week you will be engaging in a social marketing/media debate that  will allow you to demonstrate how strategic planning, technology,  training, and action plans work to promote health education programs and  health products.

Step 1: Review this video highlighting the Top 10 Misleading Marketing Tactics (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Step 2: Watch these two videos: Viewers’ Choice 2011 Singapore TV Commercial – Colorectal Cancer Awareness (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and National TV Commercial for Health Product (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Step 3: Determine your group for the debate:

Group 1 = students whose last name begins with (A-M)

Step 4: Follow the instructions for your group  below. You must support the side on which you were placed, regardless of  your personal opinion. Research the perspective and provide scholarly  support for your side. There are supportive materials for both sides.  Please remove your personal viewpoint from this formal debate. Starting  your post with “I believe the other way, but I was placed on this  side….” will earn you an automatic 0. Consider this a formal debate, and  you must support the side on which you were placed. Your instructor  will not change your group.


Group 1 (Effective videos explanation):

  • Explain why both videos are effective from the perspective of a health educator (not the consumer). Provide at least one specific example from each video.
  • Explain why both videos are effective from the perspective of the  consumer. Provide at least one specific example from each video.
  • Critique the overall effectiveness of the videos in conveying their  message, explaining at least two reasons why each message is appropriate  for the public.

In your original post, please use your group assignment ) in your post’s subject line to assist in the response  instructions as noted below.

  • In your explanations from a health education perspective and the  public consumption perspective, you must utilize at least two sources,  in addition to your textbook. Please be sure to view the Quick ‘n’ Dirty (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. tutorial for more information on the Ashford University Library, the research process, and library search tips.
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