Assignment: Natural Resources and Energy

Assignment: Natural Resources and Energy

Assignment: Natural Resources and Energy

Need to complete the attached and just asnwer the question depending on th word count needed. If site used citation must be set and No APA format needed

Complete the following table:



  Fossil Fuel Alternative Energy
Identify 3 types of both energy categories and what they are most often used to power. 1.






Benefits to using these energy types    
Environmental impacts of using these energy types    
Are these energy types renewable? Explain.    


Using resources answer each of the following questions in 150+words.  Be sure to provide references for the sources you use. APA format not needed


1.     Explore water supply and management in your area using the internet. What is the source of your municipality’s drinking water?  Describe any concerns related to the quantity and quality of this water source.  Explain one thing you can do in your everyday activities to conserve water.


2.     Visit this Fish and Wildlife Service website ( and perform a search of endangered species for your state.  Select one species and explain why it is endangered and what is being done to help it recover.


3.     What reason(s) for conserving life on Earth found in “A Closer Look 13.3”, pages 299-301, do you find convincing?  Explain.


4.     Perform an internet search using the search term “agricultural sustainability article.”  Read one of the articles you find and summarize it in 1-2 paragraphs.  Based on this article and the readings in the text do you think that current large-scale industrial agricultural practices are sustainable?  Why or why not?  Give an example of a more sustainable agricultural practice.


The below question can be answered in 100+ answers and if used cite reference


5.     Analyze onefossil fuel and strategize ways to conserve that fuel source.  Analyze one alternative energy source and assess how that fuel can lead toward sustainability.


6.      How can your community better manage its water resources?

7.      How would one educate the public?  How would one use education as a tool to overcome the cultural and societal barriers to environmental protection?  Provide examples to illustrate your point.


8.      Take a look at the EPA web page below for more info on Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs.  While you are at it, pay attention to what needs to be done if one of these bulbs breaks.  What are the disposal options for these fluorescent light bulbs?

9.      What is Integrated Pest Management?  What are some possible alternatives that might help minimize the use of pesticides?


10.  What is the impact of industrialization on the environment?  Consider both positive and negative impacts.  Consider all environmental media: air, water, soil, and sediment.

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