Assignment: Communications satellites

Assignment: Communications satellites

Assignment: Communications satellites

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English Bravo

Background information- use below site for reference

Put the following syllogisms into standard form using letters to represent the terms, and name the mood and figure. Then use the two lists of valid syllogistic forms to determine whether each is valid from the Boolean standpoint, valid from the Aristotelian standpoint, or invalid. answers) Shade the venn diagrams Assignment: Communications satellites

6. Some African American nations are countries deserving military aid, because some African American nations are not upholders of human rights, and all countries deserving military air are upholders of human rights.

7.All pranksters are exasperating individuals, consequently some leprechauns

are exasperating individuals, since all leprechauns are pranksters.

All P are E

All L are P

Some L are E



8. Some racists are not people suited to be immigration officials, given that

some humanitarians are not people suited to be immigration officials, and no

humanitarians are racists.

9. No people who respect human life are terrorists, and all airline hijackers

are terrorists. Hence, no airline hijackers are people who respect human


10. Some silicates are crystalline substances, because all silicates are oxygen

compounds, and some oxygen compounds are not crystalline substances.

III. Reconstruct the syllogistic forms from the following combinations of mood and

Some O are not C

All S are O

Some S are O



Reconstruct the syllogistic forms from the following combinations of moods and figure.

6. EAO-4

E No M are P

A All M are S

O Some S are not P

7. AAA-1




8. EAO-2




9. OEI-3




10. OEA-4

O Some P are not M

E No M are S

A All S are P

For the following- Use Venn diagrams to determine whether the following standard form categorical syllogism are valid from the Boolean standpoint, valid from the Aristotelian standpoint, or invalid. The identify the mood and figure

15. Some communications satellites are rocket-launched failures.

All communications satellites are devices with antennas.

Therefore, some devices with antennas are rocket-launched failures.

16. All currently living dinosaurs are giant reptiles.

All giant reptiles are ectothermic animals.

Therefore, some ectothermic animals are currently living dinosaurs.

All C are G

All G are E

Some E are C



17. All survivalists are people who enjoy simulated war games.

No people who enjoy simulated war games are soldiers who have tasted the

agony of real war.

Therefore, all soldiers who have tasted the agony of real war are survivalists.

18. No spurned lovers are Valentine’s Day fanatics.

Some moonstruck romantics are Valentine’s Day fanatics.

Therefore, some moonstruck romantics are not spurned lovers.

19. No theocracies are regimes open to change.

All theocracies are governments that rule by force.

Therefore, some governments that rule by force are not regimes open to


No S are I

All S are N

Some N are not I


Invalid, Boolean,

Valid Aristotelian

20. Some snowflakes are not uniform solids.

All snowfl akes are six-pointed crystals.

Therefore, some six-pointed crystals are not uniform solids

6-10 Use a VENN diagram to obtain the conclusion that is validly implied by each of the following sets f premises. If no conclusion can be validly dram, “no conclusion”


. No M are P.

Some S are not M.



. All M are P.

All S are M.

Conclusion All S are P


. All P are M.

All S are M.

Conclusion All S are P


. No P are M.

Some M are S.

Conclusion No P are S

10. No P are M.

No M are S.

Conclusion : NONE

15-20 Reconstruct the following syllogistic forms and use the five rules for syllogisms to determine is they are valid from the Boolean standpoint, conditionally valid from the Aristotelian standpoint, or invalid. For those that are conditionally valid, identify the condition that must be fulfilled.

15. EAO-3

16 EEE-1 No M are P

No S are M

No S are P


Exclusive premises

17 EAE -1

18 OAI -3

19 AOO 2

All P are M

Some S are nt M

Some S are not P

Valid; Boo ean No rules broken

20 EAO 1

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