Assignment: access to health care

Assignment: access to health care

Assignment: access to health care

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Question 1 Statistics for 2008 to 2009 indicated that 20.7% of children lived in poverty. What health implications can be drawn from this statistic?

Select all that apply.

1. These children run a higher risk of poor overall health status.

2. Public health clinics can provide preventive care.

3. Medicaid assistance can enable these children to receive health care.

4. Increased funding for children’s health has resulted from these statistics.

Question 2 Which criterion limits access to health care?

1. No public transportation

2. Employment opportunities

3. Transition programs for newly arrived legal residents

4. Advocacy groups for immigrants

Question 3 A patient in the Emergency Department is concerned about the cost of treatment because of no financial income. What areas would the nurse include when assessing this patient?

Select all that apply.

1. Preventive care

2. Nutritional status

3. Number of accidents

4. Shelter

5. Status of current immunizations

Question 4 While taking the health history, a Black Hispanic patient tells the nurse about having difficulty finding employment. The nurse realizes that which is a factor that causes income disparity within this segment of the population?

1. Shift to labor requiring higher technological skills

2. Increase in the real minimum wage potential

3. Increase in traditional labor skills for these groups

4. Shift of skilled jobs to unskilled labor

Question 5 The nurse notes that a larger number of foreign-born patients are being seen in the hospital. From which countries are the majority of foreign-born legal permanent residents?

Select all that apply.

1. Mexico

2. China

3. India

4. Europe

5. South America

Question 6 A patient explains how a former job has been outsourced to another country. What impact has globalization had on the economy?

1. Increased income inequality for some groups in the United States

2. Improved income for all minority groups in the United States

3. Increased membership in labor unions

4. Decreased immigration

Question 7 Legal permanent residents tend to initially settle in urban areas. What can be inferred from this?

1. Employment may be found but will probably be in lesser-paying jobs.

2. Unemployment will not be a concern.

3. Employment is easy to obtain in urban areas.

4. Income earning potential is higher.

Question 8 A foreign-born patient tells the nurse about preparing for the naturalization exam. What kinds of questions will be on this exam?

Select all that apply.

1. Questions about the Constitution

2. Parts of the US government

3. Who makes federal laws

4. The number of justices on the Supreme Court

5. Words of the US national anthem

Question 9 While shifts in the population profile are occurring, what is an important consideration to address in health care?

1. Cultural health needs of varying groups must be considered.

2. Health care needs to be streamlined for consistent care delivery.

3. More physicians need to be trained to deliver health care.

4. Health care providers need to be younger to care for an aging population.

Question 10 According to the 2010 Census, the percentage of the 65+ population of White non-Hispanics is at 13%. How will health planning needs be affected by this percentage?

1. This population will have greater demands on the health care system as it ages.

2. Planning needs for other segments of the population can be revised downwards.

3. There is no need to increase manufacture of childhood immunizations.

4. Cultural accommodations for other minority groups can be decreased.

Question 11 A patient tells the nurse that she lives in Section 8 housing. The nurse realizes that eligibility for this program is determined by:

1. Low-income guidelines

2. Family size

3. Geographic address

4. Employment history

Question 12 A patient, an immigrant from another country, is waiting to be seen in the Emergency Department. What difficulties is this patient dealing with since coming to a new country?

Select all that apply.

1. Learning a new language

2. Adapting to a new climate

3. Eating new foods

4. Fitting in with the new culture

5. Rejecting old customs in favor of new ones

Question 13 The nurse is comparing the patient population at a health care organization with the US Bureau of the Census population statistics. Which statement would the nurse use to make this comparison?

1. The percentage of US citizens who were people of color in 2010 was 36.3% of the population.

2. The percentage of Black Americans dropped considerably between 2000 and 2010.

3. People of color are the majority population within the United States.

4. People of color as a percentage of the overall US population are decreasing.

Question 14 Prior to completing an admission assessment, a foreign-born patient provides the nurse with a green card. What does this green card represent?

Select all that apply.

1. Proof of legal permanent residency

2. All rights of a US citizen with exceptions

3. Inability to vote

4. Restrictions to become a citizen

5. Automatic US citizenship

Question 15 When determining health care needs for a patient population, the health care organization analyzes the percentage of races represented within the organization with those of the US Census. What was the change in the White population between the 2000 and 2010 censuses?

1. 2.7%

2. 1.2%

3. 0.3%

4. 3.8%

Question 16 While completing demographics for a new admission, the nurse notes that there are separate categories for race and Hispanic origin.What influenced this change to occur in demographic data  reporting?

1. Federal guidelines written in 1997 separated race and Hispanic origin as two separate concepts.

2. The number of people identified as non-White was increasing out of proportion to the population.

3. Identifies which health plans the patient is eligible to enroll in

4. Better differentiates categories within the African-American group

Question 17 How might immigration contribute to income inequality in the United States?

1. Many immigrants’ willingness to do jobs for less money than native-born residents

2. Being the primary income earners in the family

3. Advocating for higher minimum wages

4. A willingness to join labor unions as in previous immigrant trends

Question 18 Which characteristic would the nurse assess in a family experiencing multi-generational poverty?

1. Repeated cycles of decreased educational opportunities leading to poorer income potential and poorer health outcomes

2. Members not wishing to improve their life circumstances

3. Decreased interest by lawmakers in reducing poverty circumstances

4. Increased government efforts to provide money to improve incomes

Question 19 The health care administrator is comparing the 2000 Census Bureau data with patient demographic data. Which cultural group represented 12.5% of the population in 2000?

1. Hispanic or Latino

2. Asian

3. African American

4. American Indian and Alaskan Native

Question 20 What does the nurse identify as reasons why income influences health?

Select all that apply.

1. Increases access to health care

2. Enables people to live in better neighborhoods

3. Enables people to afford better housing

4. Enables people to live in areas without environmental hazards

5. Reduces despair

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