Assignment: Social psychological principles

Assignment: Social psychological principles

Assignment: Social psychological principles


1. Describe how psychologists try to improve the human condition through the application of social psychological principles to social problems.

2. Identify at least three important stress factors for space travelers, and discuss how studying those problems can help people on Earth.

3. Define peace psychology and conflict negotiation.

4. Describe the problems faces by legal professionals when children serve as eyewitnesses.

5. Identify several signs that people are not getting enough sleep and identify the risks associated with sleep deprivation.

Objectives 25

After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Describe some of the differences between EEG, ERP, CAT, MRI, PET, and fMRI techniques.

2. Describe how fMRI can be used to study visual pathways.

3. Describe some of the brain structures that underlie face recognition.

4. Support the similarity of imagery and perception by discussing the brain activity they have in common.

5. Explain how brain research can be used to help dyslexics learn to process language stimuli more effectively.

6. Describe how studies of the brain can reveal unconscious stereotypes.

Objectives 26

After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Describe the differences between Eastern and Western cultures in terms of the weight given to individual and group factors to explain behavior.

2. Cite examples of how the Western value on individualism manifests itself.

3. Describe the African cultural values that have benefited African Americans in their struggle against bigotry.

4. List several factors that put Latino immigrants at risk for depression and alienation.

5. Cite evidence that psychology can help solve some of society’s most perplexing problems and cite evidence to the contrary.

1. Describe the differences between Eastern and Western cultures in terms of the weight given to individual and group factors to explain behavior.

2. Cite examples of how the Western value on individualism manifests itself.

3. Describe the African cultural values that have benefited African Americans in their struggle against bigotry.

4. List several factors that put Latino immigrants at risk for depression and alienation.

5. Cite evidence that psychology can help solve some of society’s most perplexing problems and cite evidence to the contrary.

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