Transportation Logistics Management

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Page 1 Original Forum with References
Page 2 Mason Response with References
Page 3 Micheal Response with References
Original Forum
Reflect on your learning:
Create a reflection post describing the future of transportation.
Provide a summation of how you will use these lessons in the future.
Student Response
The advent and development of technology have introduced different changes to our daily lives including the area of transportation. Technology, for example, has made it possible for users to hail private cabs using mobile phones. Hybrid vehicles that run on petrol and electricity have also come into existence. Fast forward ten or even twenty years from now, there is a prediction that driverless cars will become a hallmark of transportation in the country (“The future of transportation”, 2019). In addition, cutting edge technology will also herald in unprecedented improvements to the public transport. For example, there are reports suggesting that a form of technology known as magnetic levitation will be more commonly used to power trains at an extreme high speed, just as the system that is currently being used in China and Japan (“The future of transportation”, 2019). More countries including India, Malaysia and the United States have also expressed their interest of adopting such technology to enhance transportation in the future.
Despite the various benefits that technology will bring to the realm of transportation, there is a corresponding need to ensure that adequate security system is put in place to safeguard the operation of the technology. Among other things, it is instructive to note that there are increased threats to cybersecurity and the likelihood of cyber attacks remain concerning because any such attacks, if not successfully curtailed, can wreck a toll on the entire transport system of a country (Singer & Friedman, 2014). In addition, it is foreseeable that a large volume of consumers’ personal data will be collected for the purpose of enjoying public transport system in the future. Any security risks will also mean that the confidential data of consumers can be potentially leaked (Singer & Friedman, 2014). Thus, while efforts are being channeled into modernizing current and future transportation, attention should also be devoted into strengthening the IT security systems too.
Singer, P. W., & Friedman, A. (2014). Cybersecurity: What everyone needs to know. OUP USA.
The future of transportation. (2019). Retrieved 17 August 2019, from
The future of transportation over the next several decades will be dictated by carbon footprint reduction and the necessity of a green supply chain. Six distinct pressures have been identified which move the market toward decarbonization including a growing emphasis on corporate responsibility, brand reputation, competition, pressure from stakeholders, governmental regulations, and increasing costs of energy (Coyle, Novack, & Gibson, 2016). Of these six factors, most can be summarized as either economic or regulatory in nature. Although some corporate leaders have genuinely good intentions in terms of environmental stewardship, events such as the 2015 Volkswagen carbon emissions scandal prove that corporations cannot be trusted on their own to be environmentally responsible (Hotten, 2015). Environmental problems have consequences which extend well beyond matters of business and economics, and the above evidence indicates that firms will participate in the most economically profitable activities regardless of long-term environmental impacts. Thus, it is necessary for public expectations around the world to be enforced by tighter governmental controls.
These lessons must be applied in the future with respect to both the global environment and sovereignty among nations. To achieve this, a coalition must be formed among those nations who wish to be environmentally responsible in more ways than simple lip service. Plans should be developed and agreed upon between coalition nations with joint inspection and enforcement criteria. Those members agreeing to participate should subject themselves to such rules as determined appropriate, while trade with those nations refusing to take part should be subject to penalties ratified by the coalition. In this way participating nations will retain their sovereignty while forming an international authority more effective than those currently in place. This system would help negate the tendency among some global corporations to ignore the greater public interest in environmental issues.
Coyle, J., Novack, R., & Gibson, B. (2016). Transportation: A global supply chain perspective (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Hotten, R. (2015, December 10). Volkswagon: The scandal explained. Retrieved from
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